Friday, 15 July 2016

Taking Care of Our Health Is Our Business

The political result in Australia is a reflection of the uncertainty that has begun with Brexit. Not necessarily, a fallout as the signs of moral decay in the politics had begun to show. It was only a matter of time as the disruption in politics was ripe that had reached its use-before-date (best encapsulated by Jonathan Green in The Drum). 

The issue of health care (health scare to be precise) became the plank and irrespective of the future, the costs of health care will increase. It is imperative that making an effort to keep good health should occupy the highest priority in an individual. A calm mind is required and the easiest way to achieving this state lies within us. Practicing meditation and yoga exercises is the answers to mitigate rising healthcare expenditure as well prevent the shenanigans of the politicians.

Charity begins at home so goes the adage and the same yardstick is applicable for taking care of our health. There is none better than 50-year-old Marc Potter is. The yoga teacher and owner of Sun Salute ( in Swanbourne, WA, a reputed holistic trainer takes you by the hand and leads you to self-discover peace and fitness. He has over 33 years of experience in Ashtanga Yoga. Though there are many yoga schools in Australia Marc Potter follows the tenets of Ashtanga by hand holding you on the journey. Taking care of the body and keeping the mind peaceful is a practice. Under the able guidance of Marc Potter's tutelage, the reward is an achievable guarantee unlike political promises.